New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday announced that ‘Mukhya Mantri Street Light Yojana’ will be implemented in the city under which 2.1 lakh street lights will be installed in the city to end dark spots.
Addressing a press conference, Kejriwal announced that these street lights are being installed in order to curb crime against women.
“Three discoms will be installing and maintaining street lights in the city wherever needed. These lights will be controlled by the sunlight sensor. The government will start installing the street lights from November 1, 2019”, said Kejriwal.
He also called on people to come forward for getting street-lights installed at their terraces and stated that the government will take care of its electricity bill.
“We will be installing these lights at the dark spots across the city. If a person is willing to install a street light at their terrace, the electricity bill for the same would be deducted from his or her monthly bill. A lot of people took the initiative to come forward and permit us to install CCTV cameras around their house and we believe that people will take a similar initiative for installing the street lights as well,” he added.
Kejriwal further stated that the citizens who are willing to install street lights at the dark spots in their vicinity, they can approach the MLA of that area and he/she will further identify the spots wherever the nights are needed to be installed. Later the person would be asked to sign a consent letter in this regard.
“Installing street lights and CCTV across the city would curb the crimes against women here. The estimated budget for installing these lights is around Rs 100 crore and Rs 10 crore for the annual maintenance,” said Kejriwal.