The 309 section of IPC, which criminalises attempt to commit suicide, will be deleted from the Indian penal Code based on the recommendations of the Law Commission of India and with consent of all stakeholders, Parliament was told on Wednesday.
The Law Commission has recommended that 309 (attempt to Commit suicide) of IPC needs to be effacted from the statute book. As law and order in the State subject, views of States/UTs were requested on the recommendations of the Law Commission. 18 States and 4 Union Territory Administrations have supported that Section 309 of the IPC may be deleted.
Keeping in view the responses from the States/UTs, it has been decided to delete Section 309 of IPC from the Statute book, the Ministry of Home Affairs said in a statement.
The Central government’s decision to remove Section 309 of IPC from the statute book was conveyed by the Minister of State for Home Affairs, Haribhai Parathibhai Chaudhary in a written reply to Vivek Gupta in the Rajya Sabha.