Amritsar: In a gruesome incident, an 18-month-old infant was burnt alive by two persons allegedly due to family enmity in Walha locality here, police said today.
The incident happened yesterday when Billa and Hari Singh forcibly entered the house and set Harman Singh ablaze by sprinkling kerosene on him, SHO Jagjit Singh Chahal said.
The minor was rushed to a hospital with serious burns where he succumbed to his injuries today.
A case has been registered under relevant sections of IPC against the accused following a complaint filed by the victim’s family, Chahal said, adding, the duo fled the scene after the crime.
The infant was staying with his mother Bholi, who was also an eyewitness to the crime, the SHO said. Veru, his father, suspects conspiracy of his estranged wife in the crime.
According to the complaint, the accused were having enmity with the family of the boy and they killed him to take revenge, Chahal said.
A police team has been dispatched to nab the culprits.