Gandhinagar: While addressing a rally in support of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) at Ahmedabad’s Sabarmati Ashram, Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani on Tuesday said while Muslims have 150 countries where they can go to, Hindus have only one country – Bharat.
The BJP on Tuesday took out 62 rallies in different cities of Gujarat in support of the new citizenship law. Addressing a huge crowd, Rupani said, “Muslims in India were happy and their population rose from 9 percent to 14 per cent…because of the secular Constitution they live a dignified life in India.”
“The percentage of Hindus in Pakistan reduced from 22 to 3 because they are tortured, raped, and their properties are destroyed. They returned to India long ago, but they can’t avail benefits because they are not (Indian) citizens… In Bangladesh, Hindus constitute just 2 percent of the population, while in Afghanistan, the number of Hindus and Sikhs is around 500, (down) from over 2 lakh earlier,” Rupani said.
“Muslims have 150 countries where they can live, but for Hindus, there is only one country, and that is Bharat.”
Blaming the Opposition for protests against the CAA, the Gujarat CM said, “The Congress and its allies are creating unrest in the country by misleading people, rioting and destroying public property. I want to ask the Congress: how is the CAA against what Mahatma Gandhi said when the country was being divided… that Hindus from these three countries, if they wish to come back…”
Acknowledging that the BJP’s 2019 Lok Sabha election promise also included the NRC, Rupani said, “At the time of elections, the BJP had announced that if we form the government, then we will remove Article 370, we will pave the path for the temple at Ram Janmabhoomi, we will abolish triple talaq, implement CAA to grant citizenship to our refugees, implement the NRC, and send back infiltrators. The people democratically brought the BJP and its allies to power.”