14-year old girl jokingly tweets ‘terror threat’ to American Airlines

A 14 year old Twitter user named ‘Sarah’ reportedly posted a threatening tweet to American Airlines, claiming to be an Al Qaeda operative planning to “do something really big.”

She wrote in her post that her name was Ibrahim and she was from Afghanistan, adding that she is a part of Al Qaeda and planned to do something really big on June 1st.

The airline was quick to respond and warned the girl that they took these threats very seriously and her IP address and details will be forwarded to security and the FBI .

Sarah, using the Twitter handle @QueenDemtriax_, immediately answered with dozens of frantic tweets, claiming she was only a 14-year-old white girl playing a stupid prank, New York Daily reported.

Apologizing for the prank, the teenager said that she was joking, adding that it was her friend and not her who tweeted.

The American Airlines removed the company’s response to Sarah from her account later.

The Airlines spokeswoman Dori Alvarez said that in American, the safety of passengers and crew is the company’s number one priority, adding that it took security matters very seriously and work with authorities on a case by case basis.

Meanwhile, the tweet exchange was soon all over the social media site and Sarah interrupted her appeals for mercy with updates on her growing number of followers before finally deleting her account Sunday night, the report added. (ANI)