14 from AP, Telangana qualify for National Arithmetic Contest

Hyderabad: Fourteen kids from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh have qualified for the nationals of SIP Arithmetic Genius 2021, India’s largest online arithmetic contest.

The fourteen students, of classes 2 to 5, belonging to 250 different schools in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh will compete with 200 other regional winners from different states, at the National level, to be held in January 2022.

The contest was held for the students of classes 2 to 5. 14 kids qualified from these four different classes for the national competition. A total of 8906 children from 250 schools registered from the two states. 

Out of 1700 students, who qualified for the second round, 14 have been picked. They will represent the states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh on the national level.

The first three toppers in each of the four classes in the regional contest were given away cash prizes of Rupees 10000. 7000, and 5000, respectively.

The top three national toppers, in each grade, will walk away with cash prizes of Rupees 25000, 10,000, and 15,000, respectively. On the whole, 200 cash prizes worth Rs 15 lakhs will be given away to various winners, besides, 25000 medals, 750 trophies.

This is the 6th edition of the AIP Arithmetic Genius Contest and will be held online. The first four editions were held in a physical setting.

The objective of the nationwide contest is to ensure that by the year 2025, every student in Grade 5 and beyond has achieved foundational literacy and numeracy.

The National Education Policy 2021 states that “the ability to read and write and to perform basic operations with numbers is a necessary foundation for all future school and lifelong learning.”

Speaking on the occasion, Ms Uma Swaminathan the Regional Head of SIP Academy said, “Arithmetic skill is one of the crucial skills for children’s future development. All future learning in school and life depends on this foundation”.

The benefits children accrue by participation in the contest are immense. It unlocks their potential, generates interest in the subject maths, kids gain confidence and skills to perform well in competitive tournaments.