Panchayat Raj Minister Jupally Krishna Rao today said that a decision was taken to ensure that 100 days of working days be provided to at least 60 per cent of workers by March 31 and also to remove the ceiling limit of 100 days in nurseries and increase the number of working days for physically challenged to 150 days. Being Vice Chairman of employment guarantee scheme MGNRES scheme in the state Krishna Rao chaired a meeting of the council and held a discussion to provide more number of working days to the working class. Ministers T Harish Rao, N Narsimha Reddy, P Srinivas Reddy and others were present.
Krishna Rao also claimed that so far we have given permissions to take up construction of CC Roads worth Rs 600 cr works were given and vowed to provide all help to working class. Rao exhorted the working class, officials and leadership to come together to rebuild the state into a golden Telangana by providing more employment to the working class and getting them better wages. The minister also claimed that it was decided to provide medical kits and tents for the workers at work place and shift them to other place after three years of work. Stating that they are trying to reach a target of making Telangana an open defecation free state, by Oct 2 next year he said that the Centre has agreed to increase the allotment of works by increasing current 6 cr working days to 10 cr working days.
Harish Rao directed that the officials should speed up the works, remove waste plants and hyacinth from water bodies and de-silting works under Mission Kakatiya phase one works. The minister said that the government will take steps to offer Rs 12000 loan in advance for construction of individual toilets. MNGREGS will be implemented involving people and take up works related to CC roads, drainage lanes, check-dams, farm ponds, soaking pits and others. (NSS)