This enzyme deficiency won’t let your penis grow until 12

Melbourne, Sept. 23: An extraordinary case of boys not growing their penis until puberty has been found in a remote village within the Dominican Republic.

In a bizarre incident, 24-year-old Johnny was raised as a girl because he did not develop his male genitalia until early adolescence, au reports.

The 24-year-old boy like many others in his Salinas community was born with what is said to be a vagina.

According to a study conducted by Dr Julianne Imperato-McGinley, from Cornell Medical College, in New York, has revealed that ‘Guevedoces’ which translates to “penis at twelve.” were due to enzyme deficiency called ‘5-alpha-reductase.’

This deficiency, which is relatively rare around the rest of the world, was increasingly more common within the Dominican Republic.