80% subsidy on bank loans for Minorities

Hyderabad: Govt. of Telangana proposes to launch a few new schemes for the benefit of Minorities before the elections of GHMC. It is understood that CM of Telangana State, Mr. KCR sanctioned this scheme. This file is pending in the Dept. of Finance. Govt. has issued instructions to Finance Officials to clear this file immediately. It is reported that very soon orders will be issued in this regard.

Under this scheme, poor persons belonging to Minorities will get 80% subsidy which they don’t have to return and the remaining 20% amount would be given as loan by the banks. This scheme is applicable for small business. The present scheme provides a subsidy of 50% but CM took a special interest and enhanced this subsidy from 50% to 80%.


Read also: Shaadi Mubarak Scheme – Budget exhausted, 5000 applications pending


CM has also issued instructions for filling up 250 vacancies in the Dept. of Minorities Welfare. It may be noted that while reviewing the staff position of the Dept. of Minorities Welfare, CM had given an assurance in the Assembly that very soon appointments would be made in this Dept. to overcome the shortage of staff. These recruitments would be made in two phases. Initially, vacancies in Secretariat would be filled up. In the second phase, recruitment would be made in the office of the Director and District Welfare Officer of the Dept. of Minorities. Details of probable expenditure were sought from Finance Dept. but this Dept. did not furnished them to CM’s office. Mr. KCR got angry on this.

It is very interesting to note that there are only 31 permanent employees in the Dept. of Minorities Welfare in Telangana, out of which there are only six employees working in Secretariat. They include one Asst. Secretary, three Section Officer and one Asst. Section Officer, where in Directorate, there are only seven persons working. The number of employees working in ten districts of the Dept. of Minorities Welfare is only seventeen. The posts of Minorities Welfare Officers in seven districts are vacant. In Minorities Finance Corporation, Officers of the lower rank have been given additional responsibilities of higher post. It is reported that employees belonging to any other Dept. are not prepared to work in the Dept. of Minorities Welfare.

–Siasat News